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2025 will be a year of creativity and renewal
A revamped logo, innovative products, fresh creative ideas: 2025 is off to a great start! This year, we invite you to plunge with us into the fascinating world of glass, an art of timeless beauty that unites us through passion and recognition.
In 2025, it's the love of glass and the celebration of its exceptional craftsmanship that will guide our every step. We will honour Murano glass, a symbol of refinement and authenticity that enchants those whose souls are sensitive to the beauty of unique objects. We look forward to sharing these twelve months of innovative creations and fascinating discoveries with you.
Join us on this adventure! Our projects are many and bold, and we can't wait to let you discover all the new things that will punctuate this exceptional year. Together, let's celebrate the art of glass and the magic it brings to our lives!